Resume Building


Resume Building by Ideaota

Elevate your job application game with “Resume Building by Ideaota.” Our comprehensive service offers a range of features that are designed to create a standout resume tailored to your specific needs. Here’s how we help you shine:

💹Human-Crafted Excellence: Our skilled professionals craft each resume by hand, ensuring that your unique skills, experiences, and achievements are highlighted in the best possible way. No automated templates – just personalized attention.

💹ATS-Based Optimization: We understand the significance of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in today’s job market. Our resumes are optimized to navigate ATS filters, increasing your chances of making it through the initial screening process.

💹Professional Formatting: A well-structured resume is essential to grab attention. Our team ensures that your resume is formatted in a clean, professional manner, making it easy for recruiters to read and comprehend.

💹Deep Research and Analysis: Crafting a compelling resume requires a deep understanding of your industry and role. We conduct thorough research to align your resume with the specific requirements and expectations of your target job.

💹Cover Letter Inclusion: A tailored cover letter can significantly enhance your job application. We provide a well-crafted cover letter that complements your resume, presenting a holistic picture of your qualifications.

💹Suitable for All Levels:
Whether you’re a fresh graduate stepping into the professional world, an experienced professional aiming for growth, or someone transitioning to a new career path, our service caters to all levels of experience.

💹Feedback and Revisions: Collaboration is key. We encourage your feedback and offer revisions to ensure that the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.

💹Fast Turnaround: We understand that timing matters. Our efficient process ensures you receive your completed resume and cover letter promptly, allowing you to seize job opportunities as they arise.

My offer:

💯Resume Optimization (existing or from scratch)
💯Cover Letter Writing
💯Linkedin Profile Optimization (100% done-for-you)

EVERY order includes these BONUS resources:

💯Detailed Notes to edit Resume/CV and Cover Letter
💯Secret Job Application Blueprint to reveal unique, powerful job search strategies (can skip online applications too)
💯10x Free Interview & Career Guides
💯Referral & Outreach templates

➡Read the Resume Building Packages Below in detailed

Unlock new opportunities with a resume that truly represents your capabilities. “Resume Building by Ideaota” is your partner in crafting a compelling application that gets you noticed in the competitive job market.

Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.
Original price was: ₹249.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.
Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

Resume Building by Ideaota

Are you ready to stand out in the competitive job market with a resume that truly reflects your skills, experiences, and potential? Look no further than “Resume Building by Ideaota.” Our innovative service is designed to empower individuals, from freshers to professionals with years of experience, to craft a remarkable resume and cover letter that resonates with recruiters and hiring managers.


Human-Crafted Perfection: Our team of skilled professionals takes a personalized approach to create resumes that capture your unique strengths and accomplishments. No AI-generated content here – each resume is carefully crafted to showcase your individuality.

ATS-Based Optimization: We understand the importance of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the recruitment process. Our resumes are optimized to ensure that they pass through ATS filters, increasing your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Well-Formatted Excellence: A well-formatted resume is crucial for making a positive first impression. Our team ensures that your resume is visually appealing, easy to read, and professionally structured to highlight your key achievements.

Deep Research and Analysis: Crafting a compelling resume requires a deep understanding of your industry and role. We conduct thorough research to gather insights about your field, allowing us to tailor your resume to the specific requirements of your desired job.

Suitable for All Levels: Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to switch careers, our service caters to all levels of experience. Each resume is meticulously customized to match your goals and aspirations.

Comprehensive Package: Our service includes both resume and cover letter preparation. A well-crafted cover letter complements your resume and adds a personal touch, making your application more impactful.

Feedback and Revisions: We believe in collaboration. We offer the opportunity to provide feedback and request revisions to ensure that your resume aligns perfectly with your expectations.

Fast Turnaround: We understand that job opportunities can arise unexpectedly. Our efficient process ensures that you receive your completed resume and cover letter in a timely manner, without compromising on quality.

Who Can Benefit:

Fresh Graduates: Start your career journey on the right foot with a professionally crafted resume that highlights your potential and skills.

Experienced Professionals: Make your years of experience shine with a resume that showcases your achievements and expertise in the best light.

Career Changers: Transitioning to a new field? We can help you create a resume that highlights transferable skills and positions you as a strong candidate.

Anyone Seeking an Edge: Whether you’re applying for your dream job, aiming for a promotion, or exploring new opportunities, our service gives you the edge you need.

Resume Building Packages

Resume Building- Basic Resume Building- ATS Standard Resume Building- ATS Premium
Rs 149/- Basic
Get You Started
Rs 249/- Standard
Charm Your Next Employer
Rs 349/- Premium
Get Your Dream Job
Accomplishment-based Full Edit, ATS Optimization, Reformatting, New Resume Full CV/Resume Optimization (Rewrite & New Design) + Matching Cover Letter Standard + Deeper ATS Research + Unique Resume Design + Full LinkedIn Overhaul + Recruiter Tips + Job Search Advice
Editable file
Review & critique
Custom design
Optimize LinkedIn profile
Optimize Github profile
Cover letter
Edit & rewrite
Revisions 3 5 Unlimited
Delivery Time Upto 2 Days Upto 2 Days Upto 3 Days
Fast Delivery Time Upto 6 Hours Upto 6 Hours Upto 6 Hours


1. How do we get started?
Answer: Just send me your latest resume, cover letter and a few jobs that interest you and we’ll take it from there.

2. I don’t have an up-to-date CV. What should I give you?
Answer: If you don’t have a resume, that’s okay! Just tell me about your professional background, education and skills. That’s enough for the magic to work and create a great CV!.

3. I do not have much experience. What do I do?
Answer: Don’t worry, we all have to start somewhere! Even if you are incompetent or inexperienced in your area of ​​interest, I will help you highlight the transferable skills you have acquired through study or social work and create a CV Great.

4. I am trying to find a job abroad. Can you help me?
Answer: Standing out when competing with people from all over the world can seem difficult, however, after working with countless international applicants, I’ve learned a trick or two. Let me help you show employers why you’re worthy.

5. Do you specialize in an industry?
Answer: Over the years, I have successfully placed candidates in a variety of roles ranging from STEM, finance, education, hospitality and public sector. Whatever kind of role you want, I will do my best to help you get it.

6. Can you provide samples?
Answer: Your resume or cover letter is unique and reflects not only your personality and story, but your entire personality. In this regard, I will not share my customers’ data with third parties without their explicit consent, as I believe this would be a serious breach of trust.

7. How do you deliver the end products?
Answer: Depending on the CV design, I will send you the pdf/word version, you can apply immediately.

8. How will my CV be designed?
Answer: I’ll design your CV in a unique way, depending on the organization or role you’re interested in. Your CV design will be completely different from one position/field to another.

9. What is revision?
Answer: My goal is to provide you with a professional resume and cover letter that showcases your abilities in the best possible way, so that you can request a review to fix any issues. . However, a CV for another industry that includes a complete rewrite is not considered a revision.

10. What is the difference between packages?
Answer: The basic package includes a resume rewrite. The standard comes with a complete rewrite, a cover letter and a new design. The premium includes everything from standard search, supplemental search, keywords, and full LinkedIn optimization. I also offer additional services: express delivery, additional ATS research and infographics.

Elevate your job search strategy with “Resume Building by Ideaota.” We’re here to empower you with a resume that truly represents who you are and what you can bring to the table. Your success story starts with a well-crafted resume and cover letter – let us help you tell it.

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